Company of heroes 2 western front armies main theme
Company of heroes 2 western front armies main theme

company of heroes 2 western front armies main theme

They can also build sandbag fighting positions for directional heavy cover. Once upgraded, they can throw Molotov cocktails and AT grenades. The backbone of the Soviet Army, they have the ability to combat a range of German units.

  • Conscripts: A six-man unit armed with Mosin-Nagant rifles.
  • They can be upgraded with a minesweeper upgrade or a flamethrower upgrade.
  • Combat Engineers: A four-man unit with poor combat abilities and tasked with building structures, repairs, laying mines and demolitions.
  • The Regimental Field Headquarters serves as the Soviet's starting base structure. Their early game infantry also struggles against the aggressive OKW. However, the Soviets have inferior handheld AT units to deal with the German late game, particularly the Ostheer Wehrmacht.

    company of heroes 2 western front armies main theme

    The Soviet Union has a strong mid game presence, relying on mass hordes of numerous but weak infantry. The Soviets can build a total of four base buildings, each with their own specialty. New players can also access 23 existing Company of Heroes 2 maps in auto-match, and play against all other existing factions.Soviet Buildings, Units and Vehicles Soviet Union The Western Front Armies will be available as a stand-alone package that represents an entry point into the franchise and access to the vibrant Company of Heroes 2 community. The Western Front Armies also includes a new progression system that introduces other unique content into the game and enables players to dive deeper into the tactical and strategic aspects of the game than ever before. The addition of the US Forces and the German Oberkommando West brings two entirely unique factions that will forever change the shape of multiplayer combat.Įach Army has distinctive tactical gameplay options, new infantry, team weapons, vehicles, abilities and upgrades on a total of eight seasonal multiplayer maps set on the Western Front.

    company of heroes 2 western front armies main theme

    The focus shifts back to the Western Front, depicting some of the most brutal fighting of World War II in the darkest days of the conflict. Company of Heroes 2: The Western Front Armies is the first Standalone Multiplayer release for Company of Heroes 2.

    Company of heroes 2 western front armies main theme